The "pure" numbers are the single-digit numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
They are the base elements of life. Learn how these ten elements have relationships to each other.
1 and 7 are simiilar.
That means the numbers 17 and 71 are inherently harmonious.
2 and 6 are simiilar.
That means the numbers 26 and 62 are inherently harmonious.
3 and 9 are simiilar.
That means the numbers 39 and 93 are inherently harmonious.
4 and 8 are simiilar.
That means the numbers 48 and 84 are inherently harmonious.
1 and 6 are opposites.
That means the numbers 16 and 26 are inherently conflicted.
2 and 7 are opposites
That means the numbers 27 and 72 are inherently conflicted.
3 and 8 are opposites
That means the numbers 38 and 83 are inherently conflicted.
4 and 9 are opposites
That means the numbers 49 and 94 are inherently conflicted.
Now you've learned some REAL numerology! There is a hidden order to the interaction between these 10 numbers which are really the 10 fundamental elements of Nature. This order creates a "self-balancing" geometric pattern that goes several levels deep. This book doesn't give you the "key of keys" itself, that is, the actual meaning of each number, however it does share with you everything the key of keys reveals about the structure of the universe. You can learn everything about how the universe is designed, structured and functions.
Each pure number is more than a basic descriptive meaning, the meaning itself is an actual operating function, like it's own role in the system of physics of life. The geometrical relationships between the numbers are symmetries. These balancing symmetries overlap on many different levels to form beautiful mandala. It's just like the interlocking petals of a flower that balance each other in every possible orientation.:: REAL NUMEROLOGY
Numerology has been around for at least 2500 years, yet this is the first book of real numerology. It works in the real world. You can apply the knowledge inside this book to each person in your life and also to choose blessed numbers for things like houses, cars, post office boxes, sport jerseys and more. Sometimes you have a choice of number: for example if 7 tends to argue with 2 then obviously a combination 27 or 72 in your business name such as "media 72" is not a harmonious vibration.:: WHAT'S INSIDE
- the fundamnetal design of the universe
- god's art and overlapping frameworks
- which numbers are similar
- which numbers are opposites
- which numbers balance each other
- which numbers are the 6 gods
- which number is the male god
- which number is the female god
- the 3 core systems of life
- the 4 numbers that are the "ends" ::
- the 4 numbers that are the "processes"
- which 4 numbers get eaten
- which 4 number do the eating
- why 64 is an important number
- why 91 is just as important as 64
- double-digit "conflicted" numbers
- double-digit "harmonious" numbers
PARTICLES (6 4 9 1)
WAVES (7 3 8 2)
Just 60 pages & takes less than a hour to read.
1This is a living book
It keeps growing. Author adds new material every 6 months.
2There's no physical copy at stores
Nor is there any kindle version available on amazon.
3Number meanings are not included
Without the meanings, interpreting people or the future is hard.
4This is not the "key of keys"
You get sacred geometry cracked, not the key that unlocked it.
5Pages in this book contain animations
As a digital book, it is not limited by boring static ink.