Unlock The Planets

    Unlock The Planets

    - an entirely new model of astrology
    - discovered by crunching market data
    - never discovered before in history
    - the 1st real proof of astrology ever
    - shows that just 3 planets matter
    - rest of the planets are irrelevant
    - it doesn't matter where earth is
    - earth is not one of the 3 planets
    - there was a single pattern discovered
    - pattern can show the TOP of US market
    - pattern cannot show BOTTOMS yet
    - book has a password for software app
    - software app is in the cloud, no disc
    - app makes it easy to use this method
    - book takes an hour to read (40 pages)
    - software license is for 10 years of use
    Coming soon
    Unlock The Geometry

    Unlock The Geometry

    - how numbers relate to each other
    - all relationships between numbers
    - which numbers balance each other
    - which numbers are opposite forces
    - which numbers are similar
    - the most fundamental duality of life
    - a number system that really works
    - it works in the real world
    - the 3 primary systems of life
    - discover cycles that can predict
    - doesn't include number meanings
    - no meanings = no interpretations
    - only takes an hour to read
    - this is an ongoing research project
    - author keeps adding to the book
    - online book: 57 pages in the cloud
    Coming soon
    Unlock The Alphabet

    Unlock The Alphabet

    - convert any letter to its real number
    - a new model of alpha-numerology
    - a model never discovered before
    - only one of the letters is true zero
    - zero point is neither A or Z
    - this model actually does work
    - no other alphabet models work
    - doesn't include number meanings
    - no meanings = interpretations hard
    - comes with an software app online
    - app translates typing into numbers
    - app makes easy to use the method
    - this is an ongoing research project
    - author keeps adding to the book
    - online book: 35 pages in the cloud
    Coming soon