• There's Only One Angel

    There's Only One Angel


    - on the "mysticism of music"
    - full color 80 page ebook
    - this is Zac's latest book
    - short book of 4500 words
    - only takes 30 mins to read
    - get instant access
    - read in the cloud
    - listen in the cloud
    - not downloadable
    - price is in USD
    Coming soon
    Advanced Psychic Development

    Advanced Psychic Development


    -how to enter the psychic state
    -going beyond your own mind
    -how psychic impressions really work
    -using the different levels of consciousness
    -know the difference between mind & intuition
    -how to access real psychic impressions
    -accessing the space between thoughts
    -how clairvoyant flashes occur in your mind
    -ways to boost your psychic sensitivity
    -easy methods to open your clairvoyant sight
    -why amateurs struggle to get detailed info
    -getting around the blockage of your mind
    -know when a thought is pretending to be spirit
    -maintaining a trance throughout the reading
    -avoiding the trap of self-delusion

    • this audiobook not available on amazon
    • get instant access to the 6 hours of audio
    • no downloadable mp3 files - listen in cloud only
    • after purchase listen at keyofkeys.com/listen

    • read the book in the cloud
    • author updates this book regularly
    • automatically get updated versions

    Published 2024
    Coming soon


    “Zachary’s program truly gave me confidence

    which I never had before so I fumbled through life

    walking on the rim of a cup like a fly. Now I find I

    am decisive and I can face any problem without

    fear. It has taught me where to reach for strength

    and how to import this to others if they wish.

    People have noticed a distinct change in my

    attitude, body language and are amazed at my

    intuitive ability. Going graciously about my daily

    business keeps me aware, filling me with

    appreciation and love... thank you Zachary -

    words are not enough but he knows what I mean,

    I am sure!! You are doing fine things for people

    who come to you”.

    Shani Ford (Campsie NSW)


    “I want to tell you that the “psychic tapes” I

    purchased a month or two ago are great, I feel my

    awareness expanding, and my dreams! Many

    thanks for your material, I am enjoying these

    psychic tapes I sent for and all the information...

    the “buzz” I get from your wonderful energy is

    great! It so good that I have shared it with my

    spiritual students and they are loving it”.

    Sylvia Carr (Osborne Park, Perth)


    “Thank you from the bottom of my heart”.

    Carol Anderson (Cheltenham VIC)


    “David and I found your tapes very practical and it

    was extremely refreshing to listen to your clear

    speaking voice with pauses for assimilation.

    Thanks for providing such positive, inspiring


    Michelle Petranovic -editor of Astral Magazine


    “Although I had already studied these areas quite

    a lot, this course of information helped greatly in

    giving me confidence. It will be with me for the

    rest of my life and help me to change my life. It

    was interesting and fulfilling. I will use what I

    learnt everyday. Zachary, you are very well

    informed, well resourced and are so interested in

    the topics that it is a pleasure to listen. Thanks

    Zach, you said you would give me confidence and

    you did”.

    Anne Davidson (UK/ QLD)


    “Thank you for your support and information. I

    have really needed it. Good luck on sharing it to

    more people”.

    Sharon Whipp (Florey ACT)


    “To Zachary, All I can say is - may your light shine


    Jude Willson (Ebor NSW)


    “I’d like to thank you for my recent purchase of

    “How to Rapidly Awaken Powerful Psychic Skills”

    which I’ve had great enjoyment listening to. I am

    looking forward to more information from Zachary

    Ziamus in the future”.

    Jo Ariss (Sunbury VIC)


    “Thankyou for what you have given me. I really

    appreciate the time taken. Finally I have found a

    mentor whom I feel is genuine and worthy of

    respect! Your ideas and beliefs settle quite nicely

    in with my own experiences of reality. I love the

    tapes and wish I would listen to them more

    regularly. Every time I hear from you guys,

    something wonderful happens in my life... you

    attract amazing ‘syncronicity’.

    Omanisa Ross (Darwin NT)


    “My name is Wesley and I would like to thank you

    for these things that you have given me, and done

    for me. You have given me great inspiration, the

    inspiration and encouragement I always needed”.

    Wesley Lenord (Maryborough Nth. QLD)


    “Dear Mysticart, here is the final payment for the

    cassettes. Thank you very much, the info is very

    useful, and with further practice, it will bring even

    greater results. It should last my lifetime”.

    Joseph Pollard (Warilla NSW)


    “Tremendous. Thank you so much. One of my

    greatest investments ever”.

    Danielle Jacobson (Adelaide SA)


    “Dear Zachary, just a little note to say a big thank

    you. I really appreciate your sincere information.

    Stay happy and safe...”

    Suzy Somic (Lawson NSW)


    “Since Listening to your tapes, I have been able to

    know what my friends are going to say, before they

    say it, it’s really weird. It’s like I can finish the

    sentence before them or for them”.

    Lynn Patterson (Trafalgar VIC)


    “I have listened to the Psychic Tapes and they

    have given me a lot of insight. They are great, very

    inspirational! They have also given me an urge to

    want to learn a lot more. You guys are great!”

    Racheal Petkovic (North Coburg VIC)


    “I recently purchased a copy of the psychic skills

    tapes and found them to be much to my liking, they

    have opened up a whole new world of potential

    and possibility to me. My psychic skills are still in

    their infancy, but I improve and refine techniques

    every time I practise. I can see auras at will now,

    but I’m not sure how to interpret the colours. The

    psychic gemstone you sent me has a soft yellow

    aura, my hands have a strong green aura, and the

    hills around where I live have a strong blue aura

    (against the white sky)”.

    Mischa Upton (Mt Isa Qld)


    “Dear Zachary, I was thrilled to receive ‘How to

    rapidly awaken powerful psychic skills’ I have

    enjoyed listening and working with it. I find you

    extremely easy to listen to... I am very happy with

    the contents. Thank you and the best to you”.

    Rosalie Cronin (Stepney S.A.)


    “I have listened to your 4 tapes on how to be

    psychic and thoroughly enjoyed them. I have

    listened over and over and found you very easy to

    listen to and have learned something every time.

    There just seemed to be so much information, I

    found it quite mind boggling!”

    Evelyn McLean (Beverley WA)


    “I purchased your 4-tape series ‘How to rapidly

    awaken powerful psychic skills’ – I believe I’m

    becoming a much better person, just from listening

    to them. My attitude towards life, people and the

    world have changed. I see people and things in a

    completely different way I used to. Thank you so

    very much.”

    Michelle Bishop (Nerang QLD)


    “I just received your pack last week and I have just

    gone through the 2nd tape so far, I have to admit

    this is something I have never heard before! I have

    got so much to learn and experience. I really

    admire your knowledge and wisdom.”

    Minh Tran (Springvale VIC)


    “I read the article on Zachary Ziamus and read

    what he was offering to give, which was called

    ‘How to rapidly awaken powerful psychic skills’. I

    quickly saved up to buy this package and sent it off

    with the order form. I was most pleased and

    already my senses are sharpening or as you might

    say ‘awakening’. Keep up the good work!”

    Laura Elizabeth Jansen (Peacedale VIC)

    “Just a quick note to say that I have been using

    your tape series ‘How to rapidly awaken powerful

    psychic skills’ for 6 weeks now, and the changes

    have been amazing! People’s thoughts now jump

    out at me, particularly in my classroom (I’m a

    primary school teacher). My Reiki level power

    seems to also have increased, I am getting better

    results. I have also had a spirit guide introduce

    himself. Keep up the good work! ”

    Barry Hill (Hectorville SA)


    “Thank you very much, the tapes I got are great. I

    would like very much to meet Zachary Ziamus

    some day, if that would be possible. His extent of

    knowledge is astounding.”

    Shane Gallagher (Bingara NSW)


    “Thank you so much for the joy, the laughter, the

    happiness and total bliss you have shared with me

    which I reciprocate to you many fold.”

    Flory Hirzinger (Melton Sth VIC)


    “Your package arrived yesterday – for which I

    thank you very much, for I have only played a

    couple of the tapes but I know the knowledge is truly

    wonderful… I will certainly be using your techniques as

    they are clear, systematic and come from truth – from the

    heart. I have been practicing – see the aura, as per ‘How to

    rapidly awaken powerful psychic skills’. Your instructions

    are simple, yet very profound.”

    Don Triffett (Baulkham Hills NSW)


    “Thank you for the tapes and workbook, I’m thoroughly

    enjoying them.”

    Brad Moore (Worongary QLD)


    “I would like to thank you for producing such a wonderful,

    magical tape set. How to rapidly awaken your psychic

    powers. I’ve found it to be totally amazing. You’ve blown

    my mind a few times. I’ve heard many a message.


    Tanya Hicks (Kilkenny SA)


    “The tapes are awesome! The magick is positive and

    powerful. My “social phobia” is non existent now! I am now

    seeing my personal goals becoming closer and easier.

    Words cannot explain perfectly enough! Thanx Z.Z.”

    Jamie Lowings (Salisbury SA)


    “I now have great faith in you Zachary – from your tapes I

    know you really know what you are talking about. Thanks

    so much”

    Barbara Neal (Mount Eliza) VIC


    “Great, wonderful and enthusiastic. Allows the freedom to

    connect with the magic of the universe.”

    Debbie Kerr (Coalgate NZ)


    “Thank you for the cassettes called ‘how to rapidly awaken

    powerful psychic skills” by Zachary Ziamus.

    Congratulations Zachary, we need more people like you.

    Thanks so much… ”

    Mrs S. Montel (Pialba QLD)


    “Thank you for caring. We need more people in this world

    like you! You have inspired me, Zachary. You have gone

    out and followed your dreams spiritually and now you have

    set this club up to share everything you have learnt with

    others. You must be a warm, loving person. I am glad you

    are a part of my life.

    Jenny Coyle (Cannonvale QLD)


    Thank you so much for the Psychic Skills tapes. You have

    changed my life.

    Kelly-Anne (VIC)


    I have enjoyed your psychic skills tapes immensely and I

    am very impressed that a person so young should enjoy

    such profound insights and be able to communicate them

    in such a precise and illuminating manner.

    Terry Abbott


    I saw my lecturer’s aura the other day when I wasn’t paying

    attention in class. I got all excited and it went away but I’ve

    managed to see two more in a rather inadvertent way.

    Cassandra Williams


    Thank you so much for the wonderful and uplifting

    knowledge contained in the powerful psychic skills tapes –

    you have helped me ‘remember’ so much – (yes, that’s

    how it feels, you have provided the key to unlock the

    knowledge that I already have!). I feel very strongly that

    you have been in a position of power before, teaching

    mystical truths – and that’s why you are so effective and

    effortless in this lifetime! Your face and voice are very

    familiar to me even though we have never met. I’m sure

    that’s not the first time someone has mentioned that to you.

    Gillian Davidson


    The psychic abilities development tapes are spot on for

    me, and I really appreciate having them. During the

    coming year I will be able to use the pearls of knowledge

    much more than I have been. The love, and attention to

    detail that comes through in every communication from you

    is a joy to receive and brings such radiance and upliftment.

    Barbara de Bryon-Faes


    Hearing your tapes and your voice gave me so much hope.

    Knowing how honest and a great person you are.

    E. Wesche


    We, my husband and I just received your package after

    purchasing a set of your ‘psychic skills’ tapes which we

    found fascinating.

    Elizabeth Meredith