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There's Only One Angel - Her Name is Music
- on the "mysticism of music"
- full color 80 page ebook
- this is Zac's latest book
- short book of 4500 words
- only takes 30 mins to read
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- not downloadable
- price is in USDComing soonCH.1 THE HISTORY OF MUSIC
- Music is Timeless
- Our Desire To Sing and Dance
- The Daughter of the Creator
- The Ancient Nature of Musical Celebration
- Music and Culture
- Music vs. Truth
- Music Evokes a Response from the Heart
- The Base Level of Life
- All Science Is Merely The Dissecting of Sound
- The Essence of Life and Music
- Music is just Numbers Dancing
- Music is Math that's Alive
- Music as the Ultimate Mathematics
- The Unity of Art and Science
- The Language of the Universe
- The Universal Key
- Music and Nature
- The Best Thing in Our World
- The Progression of Sound
- How Can We Solve the Mystery of Life
- The Divine Nature of Music
- Are angels real?
- Gaining The Trust of a Wild Animal
- Music and the Soul
- The Universality of Music
- There's Only Proof of One Angel
- Imagine A World Without Music
- The Universe as a Great Drum
- Music Goes Deeper and Reaches All The Way
- The Highest Ideal
- The Glory of Music
- Signs of an Angel
- The Key to Life's Puzzle
- The Supremacy of Musical Beauty
- What is the most beautiful?
- The Essence of Music
- Music as Energy
- Music as Spiritual Healing
- Music and the Heart
- A Real Metaphysical Power
- The Most Complex Form of Communication
- Music is a form of hypnosis
- All Psychic Power Comes from an Empty Mind
- Music Captures a Spirit
- Connecting with Your Own Spirit Through Music
- Music as a Bypass to Consciousness
- All Good Music Can Create A Trance
- Divine Communication Through Music
- The Language of the Greatest Universal Intelligence
- Music and Spiritual Connection
- Solitude and Music
- Music and the Soul
- The Early Death of Great Musicians
- Is Music The Purest of all Career Paths?
- Music and Spirituality
- Lose Yourself to Find God
- All Major Religions Employ Music
- How Can You Ensure God Hears You
- The Voice as a Spiritual Signature
- Tuning Into a Person's Voice
- Voice as a Spiritual Mirror
- Your Intuition About People's Tone
- Reading People's Voice Tonality
- Trust What Voice Tonality Tells You
- Music as a Philosophical Experience
- Music and Your Inner Worlds
- How Sound Turns to Dance
- Medicine for your Soul
- The Playfulness of Music
- Finding Purpose Through Music
- Music Can Inspire You To Finally Take Action
- Let Music Take You Beyond This Physical World
- Let The Music In - Then Let the Music Back Out
- The Meaning of Life
- Surrender to the One True Angel